Jason Bryer, Ph.D.
- jason@bryer.org
- www.bryer.org
- Download Full CV
- Albany, New York

Dr. Jason Bryer is currently an Assistant Professor in Data Science and Information Systems at the City University of New York. Additionally, Dr. Bryer is a consultant with Cornell University where he has developed a research and data collection platform for New York State’s Office of Special Education (https://data.osepartnership.org). Prior to joining CUNY, he was Executive Director at Excelsior College where he has served as Principal Investigator of the FIPSE First in the World grant to develop and research the Diagnostic Assessment and Achievement of College Skills along with supporting research and evaluation of other grants at the institution. Dr. Bryer’s research interests include quasi experimental designs with an emphasis in propensity score analysis, data systems to support formative assessment, and the use of open source software for conducting reproducible research. He is the author of over a dozen R packages, including three related to conducting propensity score analyses. When not crunching numbers, Jason is a wedding photographer and proud dad to three boys.
Work Experience
Assistant Professor and Associate Director
Data Science and Information Systems department.
Research Data Associate
Associate for the Special Education Technical Assistance Partnership for DATA to support the data needs for specialists and school districts within New York State. Primary developer of the data.osepartnership.org data dashboard.
Executive Director and Principal Investigator
Manage FIPSE First in the World grant to develop a Diagnostic Assessment and Achievement of College Skills (DAACS; $2,999,877). DAACS provides incoming students with realtime, actionable feedback about their strengths and weaknesses in critical college skills including self-regulation, math, reading, and writing. Additionally, DAACS provides critical information for predictive analytics at the college.
Website: https://www.daacs.net
Adjunct Associate Professor
Courses taught: DATA 606 Statistics & Probability for Data Analytics
Website: http://data606.net/
Consultant / Learning Analyst
Developed a data system to support Behavior Specialists work with schools within New York State on their implementation of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS). The goal of this website is to consolidate disparate data sources along with custom data entry so that Behavior Specialists can make data based decisions. I also provided statistical support for analyzing the data at the state level.
Website: https://pbisny.org
Director of Research & Project Evaluation
Assisted the College in seeking external grants and provide research support for existing grants. Significant activities included:
* Principal Investigator for a Gates Foundation funded grant ($168,572) on the use of adaptive learning technology in Biology and Mathematics.
* Lead Evaluator for New York State Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC) grant ($449,438) for the expansion of the Online Writing Lab to NYS Community Colleges.
Adjunct Instructor
Courses taught: EPSY 420 Child & Adolescent Development (Fall 2008, Spring 2009), EPSY 530 Statistics I (Fall 2013, Summer 2014, Fall 2014, Summer 2015), EPSY 887 Computational Statistics (Spring 2013), EPSY 887 Data Science Institute (Fall 2014), EPSY 887 Intro to R for Academic Researchers (Fall 2019), EPSY 630 Statistics II (Spring 2020)
Senior Research Analyst
Conducted research and data analysis related to the College’s mission. This includes developing, administering, and analyzing surveys; analyzing data from the college’s student information system; and consulting with individual schools to develop specific measures. I also provided substantial support and training for other Research Analysts within the Office covering topics such as methodology, statistics, and reproducible research.
Research Assistant
Assisted with data collection, entry, maintenance, and analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of behavioral (Positive Behavior Support [PBS]) and literacy interventions using the Response-to- Intervention (RTI) model.
Principal investigators: Kevin P. Quinn & Frank R. Vellutino
Developed and maintained all School of Education websites.
Graduate Assistant
Developed and led planning sessions with K-8 mathematics teachers in urban school districts on social justice topics in the mathematics curriculum. Assisted in other areas of the project including data collection, conference planning, and development of online professional development courses.
Principal Investigators: Abbe Herzig & Vicky Kouba
Senior Applications Developer
Developed Java applications for distance learning and student management systems.
Senior Software Engineer
Developed web based applications in Java and related technologies as part of a state wide financial and human resource systems.
Software Engineer
Contributed key features as part of a geographic information system (GIS) server application
(MapXtreme Java) including API for reading and writing binary GIS data, framework for web based applications, and data binding.
Web Developer
Software developer and website designer for the New York State Attorney General’s Website.
An R package to support DATA 606 course taught in the M.S. in Data Science program at CUNY.
An R package to manage data caching.
An R package to analyze and visualize Likert based items.
An R package for estimating and visualizing multilevel propensity score models.
An R package to interface with the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) restricted use databases. This includes access any analyzing data using the replicate weights and multiple plausible values.
Bootstrapping for Propensity Score Analysis.
An R package to manage a library of SQL queries.
An R package to create timeline figures.
Propensity score matching for non-binary treatments.
- (2023) Using the Diagnostic Assessment and Achievement of College Success (DAACS) to promote SRL skills among entry-level college students: Challenges and recommendations
- (2022) The Effects of Nudges on Students’ Use of the Diagnostic Assessment and Achievement of College Skills
- (2022) The use of predictive modeling for assessing college readiness
- (2019) SRL Lab Announcement.
- (2021) Design Tests with a Learning Purpose
- (2018) Validity evidence of the internal structure of the {DAACS} self-regulated learning survey
- (2013) Impact of changes in literacy course content in teacher education programs on preservice teachers’ knowledge
- (2012) Measuring motivation and volition of nursing students in non-traditional learning environments
- (2011) An international comparison of private and public schools using multilevel propensity score methods and graphics (Abstract)
- (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014) Excelsior College Fact Book
Running, Photography, Guitar